Luna Online Server Files

UPDATE : This tutorial contains broken images. The serverthat I had kept those tutorial images on had expired and I have lost them. I donot have a suitable working environment to produce create a new tutorial imagesand update this. However, I think the explaination I had is quite enough foryou to be able to set this up, maybe do some cross reference with tutorial forluna online server, or you can download the chinese tutorial videos on therelease thread. Sorry for this.
Okay, here's a tutorial for my released Azuga age of chaos /Mo siang server files.
Original release thread, [Release] Azuga age of chaosserver+db+client+source
  1. Now go Query Analyzer is open, go to File Open and find your Luna Server Files, go into db folder were you will see the SQL script files for each Database. Open the script file for the database you highlighted, should now appear in the Analyzer, now near the top you should see a play button and a.
  2. Celestia Luna Online is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy MMORPG looking for players of all nationalities and languages to bring a fun and friendly atmosphere of gameplay. Server Time: 17:44, December 3rd 2020 Server Status: Online Busy.
  3. Official Luna Plus. 2015-01-08 20:43:00 A server with the original Luna Plus idea, we are trying to give our players a true Luna Plus experience, also includes the 145lvl job changes, max level 200, 75 perm costume sets, game language english, free to play always, no donation shop for real mone Luna Online top 100, 200 server, Luna Online Private Servers, Luna Online server.

Oct 03, 2010 - Go to your Luna Online Server Files/Dll Folder and run Register.bat Download MHBinPacker - Extract them accordingly to where you want.- Go to your MHBinPacker Folder and run Register.bat Download OllyDbg - Extract them accordingly to where you want. Download the Luna Online Thai Client - Run the installer and follow it accordingly. Luna Online: Reborn is an anime themed MMORPG set in the cute fantasy world of Blueland. The world is in chaos, join forces with your friends and push back the monsters that threaten Blueland!

Since quite some people are interested in those files, andsome are having problem setting them up.
I don't know whether I should make a new thread or justupdate the release thread.
But I want to avoid clutterness, so I decided to make athread of this instead.
So, use the release thread if you have new files to share.For any problem setting up, use this

what you need to do is to download stuff;
What you will need to have is,

Make sure if you download SQLSVR EXPRESS 2005 then downloadthe management studio for 2005.
Install them. Make sure you take note of every detailsduring installation.
And then download the needed files
You can get the files from my release thread there.
-ip edit (use at own risk)(download from the one I providelater on this tutorial)
Create a new folder anywhere, and extract all those files.

What you will need to do next is to set up the database.
Open up your SQL Management studio and connect to it. Thedefault setting should be sufficient for it.
Windows authentification is enough, but you can use your saaccount or any account you have.
Next, restore the databases.
You should have 3 databases files, mhcmember.bak, MHGame.bakand mhlog.bak

Click add, find the mhcmember.bak then click open. Click onokay.
Choose mhcmember database from the drop down menu. Selectthe mhcmember(chineseword) database to restore.
Go to option on upper left screen, change estore as to anylocation you like.
(important step coz it usually the reason for errors)

Congratulation, you are done restoring the databases. Halfway there now.
Next step is to configure the database. take note of these;

MHCmember>chr_log_info is where the accounts data arestored. (userlevel 4 is for GM ID)
MHCmember>TB_OPERATOR is where GM's ID are placed (foralt+enter on gm tool)
MHCmember>TB_OPERIP is where GM's Ip addresses arelocated (check here for forbidden IP problem)
MHCmember>TB_OPERIPGAME is where the game IP is hosted(ithink) Just insert your computer IP here.
MHGame>TB_CHARACTER is where the character data is storedsuch as your character level ;)
Change all those settings to your liking.If you did youshouldn't have much problem on it.
P/s : add your ip to TB_OPERIP and TB_OPERIPGAME.
Cool? Let's move on then

Click on USER DSN>add . Choose SQL Server Native Clientand click finish.
Name should be mhcmember, server is your sql server name
Click next, use with integrated windows authentificationclick next again.
check change default database to and choose MHCMember fromthe dropdown
click on next, finish, test, ok, ok. lalala.
repeat the steps with mhgame and mhlog name with theirrespective databases.
Step 4. Registering Dll (failed to initialize consoleproblem)
This is the part where quite some people got their problem.Since the current reg.bat is only for 32 bit windows,
and some people don't know how to manually register them.I've made a new Dll registerer.
Download here,

That's all.
Luna Online Server Files
Step 5. Serverfiles set up.

Again, some antivirus detect this program as a virus. Idon't know why,
maybe it is a virus, maybe not. I don't know. Just, use itat your own risk.
Extract that thing, then run the reg.bat. This will registerthe DecodeCom.dll.
Click on open, then navigate to your serverfolder>ServerSet>1 and open the serverlist.msl
Select all of the listed shit, and change the IP
change them to your ipv4 address. (note, it will only workusing your ipv4 address)
To check your ipv4 address, click the window button, searchfor cmd. then run
use the command ipconfig /all and search for your ipv4
When you're done, save the serverlist.msl.
Repeat the same process with serverlist_public.msl.

Extract the servertool. Go to your serverfolder>ServerSet>1
paste them into the servertool>data folder.
Also, you might want to delete the ringin.wav if you knowwhat's good for you ;)

Extract the client, the client patch and mhbinpacker.
Copy the content from the client patch to your client.Overwrite.

Next, open up mhbinpacker.exe. using mhbinpacker.exe, openthe serverlist.bin inside client>INI folder.
edit the ip address to your ipv4 address. Still rememberthem? the one from CMD ipconfig ;)
Then go back to your client folder, right click on themhclient-connect.exe choose create shorcut
Then right click on the shortcut that was just created,click on properties.
On the target window, add the parameter anrgideoqkr to thetarget.
This will bypass the 'you should not directly executethis file!' thing.
That's all for the client I guess.
Step 8. Starting the game!
The step you have been waiting for eh?
First of all, what you need to do is to create the MAS,MSand RM files ;)
what are those? they're the MonitoringServer.exe andRMTOolServer.exe from your server folder.
Be careful, you need to use parameter to get to MAS,MS andRM.
That being said, what you really need to do is, right clickon MonitoringServer.exe and choose create shorcut
(like you did with the client) but, you need to create 2shorcut of it this time.
Change the first shorcut parameter to 1. and rename it to MAS.
Repeat the same thing with the second shorcut. but changethe parameter to '2' without quote.
Rename it to MS.
Also do the same thing for RMToolServer.exe .But we onlyneed one shorcut this time.

Next, run MAS,MS and RM. one by one according to the order.If they run perfectly, you have done a good job.
If they are not responding, re-check step 5 on thistutorial.
minimize MAS,MS and RM. Go to the servertool folder, run theServerTool_MY.exe.
Login to it. (use the OPERATOR ID from the database)
If it says, ip is not registered, check the TB_OPERIP tableon the MHCMember database.
If says cannot connect to MAS, recheck step 6 on thistutorial.
If it connects fine, good ;)
Then select your server from the drop-down in theservertool, run distribute then run agent.


You can run the client from MHClient-GMTool-Debug.exe for GMand MHClient-connect.exe for normal player

Luna Online Server Files Free

MHClient-connect must be run using the shorcut with theparameter anrgideoqkr.
MHClient-GMTool-Debug.exe can be run as it is.
When playing with GMTool, press alt+enter when you are ingame and a login dialogue will appear.
Use the OPERATOR ID to login to it and enjoy your GM power;)
So that's all I guess. I think I've provided a very detailedsteps for this game.
I hope you guys wont have any hard time setting this serverup. If you have any problems setting up,
reply to this thread. But, please refrain from askingsomething simple that you can spend 5 minute trying to figure
it out. And please do read all replies before asking anyquestion as it might have been asked and answer but someone else.
Anyway, I hope there would be some kind of development onthis game (might have our own section too if we do :P)
Well, maybe this will get leeched and no development too.That's normal in this community now days.
So anyway, I hope this will help some people who are interested.

Online Server Services

I might missed something. So I will update this thread asneeded. Have fun!